terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012

Mercadorias Portuguesas Apresadas pelos Britânicos - IV

Paulo Werneck

O assunto da devolução das propriedades portuguesas apresadas pelos ingleses continuou em setembro de 1808, no número 4 do Correio Brasiliense. Veja aqui o início da história.

Desta vez, apenas um pós-escrito, com poucas linhas, como que encerrando a série de artigos.
Post scriptum.

Sabbado, 24 deste mez de Septembro, se publicou uma Ordem do Conselho privado Britanico, pela qual se mandam restituir aos donos, ou agentes legaes das propriedades Portuguezas detidas em Inglaterra, tudo quanto lhes pertence. Nesta ordem naõ se exige o consentimento ou authorizaçaõ de pessoa nenhuma, para se receber a dicta propriedade, os casos duvidosos decidir-se haõ no tribunal de justiça do Almirantado, e no Ministro Portuguez nem se falla. Ainda que os males passados, ja naõ tenham remédio, com tudo esta disposiçaõ agora prova, que o Governo, quando se lhe fez conhecer o estado verdadeiro das cousas, decidio logo, com a justiça que custuma.
Efetivamente o ato referido foi publicado na primeira página da The London Gazette, de 24 a 27 de setembro de 1808, número 16.186. O Correio não o traduziu. Apenas o copiaremos aqui, deixando ao leitor que o traduza, se tiver interesse:
At the Court at the Queen's Palace, the 21st of September 1808, PRESENT, The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS His Majesty was pleased by His Orders in Council, of the Sixth of January and Fourth of May last, to direct certain Measures to be taken for the Care and Custody of Portuguese Property belonging to Persons residing in Portugal or elsewhere, under the Controul of France, which had been detained by British Cruizers, and to subject such Property to the future Disposition of the Prince Regent of Portugal, in Consideration of the Owners not being entitled to the Possession of it while they remained under the Controul of the Enemy:

And whereas the Deliverance of Portugal from such Controul has since been effected, and the Inhabitants of that Country are again become duly qualified to receive the Restitution of their Property;

His Majesty is therefore pleased, by and with the Advice of His Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, that all Portuguese Property shall be forthwith restored to the respective Owners thereof, or their lawful Agents; and the Persons appointed by virtue of the Order in Council of the 6th of January last, for the Care and Management of the Portuguese Property, are hereby ordered to restore the same accordingly; such Property nevertheless being subject to the Payment of the legal Charges thereon, and of the Expences justly incurred in respect thereto; and all Questions regarding the Ownership of such Property, where any Doubt shall be entertained by the Persons aforesaid, with respect to the same, and the Charges and Expences thereon, shall be decided upon summarily by the High Court of Admiralty, or the Court of Vice-Admiralty, in which such Property may have been brought to Adjudication.—And the Right Honourable the Lords Commiffioners of His Majesty's Treasury, His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and the Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, and the Judges of the High Courts of Vice Admiralty are to take the necessary Measures herein as to them shall respectively appertain.

W. Fawkener.
A impressão é que tudo terminaria por aqui, para bem ou para mal. Tal não aconteceu, e a novela continuará...

A continuar em Mercadorias Portuguesas Apresadas pelos Britânicos - V.

Correio Braziliense, nº 4, setembro de 1808. Disponível em Brasiliana USP (www.brasiliana.usp.br)
The London Gazette, nº 16.186. Disponível em www.london-gazette.co.uk.